Sunday, June 30, 2013

Reset, Re-frame, Redo

I have noticed and thanks to my best friend have been told that I'm being too hard on myself for things that our out of my control. So I'm taking her amazing advice that is simple and easy "Be good to you!" How am I going to be good to me? I have devised a plan.

I am going to be good to me by getting my house aka my body in order alongside my house physically. A messy house leads to a messy body a messy brain and a messy mood. This can't be done in a day it is a process but for the month of July I am making a vow to myself to get my house in order.

Clean, organize my closet - this means getting rid of the last of the fat clothes and out with the old
Clean, organize my space in the apt - I don't have a space but desperately need a space where I can craft, do bills, draw, play games, and just be when I need a moment away.
Clean out the clutter - my apt is strewn with clutter because I'm a saver - but at some point it has to go so I'm making me more important than the clutter
Clean and organize the cars - this actually got done this weekend with the help of my husband.

My body:
Organize my meds and vitamins
Take my meds and vitamins on time - NO skipping
Be accountable for my meds and vitamins to myself again
Organize my food for the week - make sure that the food packs the punch of protein first
Get back into working out - no excuses even in this heat
July squat challenge - 1 squat per "day" depending on the date
Get hubs to help support my work outs / work out together
Journal about my body and the changes that are coming together
Figure out where the migraines are coming from

My brain:
Reframe my way of thinking with money/finances
Reframe and plan on how I can be more fiscal to help my mental clarity and physical clarity
Make simple goals to reach so that I don't feel like a failure
Take advantage of support around me and realize that I don't have to be that hard on myself
Take advantage of the things that I can do for me around my work, home, and life
Get out more and be more friendly - yes, I don't get out enough, but I need to

Last week I posted that I'm in a total slump. I knew that I was and this funk has poured over into other parts of me. A dear friend asked me what I can do that is here and now to get my feet wet and do something for me? Is there a project I can take on? Is there more that I can be doing to fulfill me? Well yes there is and the fact of the matter is that I've been ignoring me. I've been ignoring my wants some of my needs and a lot of my dreams and it is time for that to STOP.

So I'm going to reset, re-frame, redo....I can do this!


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