Wednesday, June 1, 2011

getting more protein

so i've been going through some hair loss lately and it is getting frustrating. i always had great hair even when i was fat, but i'm definitely hitting the hair loss with the WLS. so what am i to do? i started my biotine orally today and i also ordered some hair gel that biotine based to leave on in the shower to help the hair. i need to up my protein as that can help as well, but i've been having issues reaching 70 much less more than 70 grams, so i need to re think my plan and focus on the protein. i need to truly go back to the roots and focus on eggs, chicken, steak, and milk and cheeses. i need to up my intake of those proteins i can eat and find ways to sneak it in there. i'm going shopping this week so i will be investing in some eggs, bacon, and those things too. time to up my protein. its game i do not want to loose my hair and to prevent the hair loss i don't want to have to cut to save it. it took so long to grow out!

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