Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Wish Tree

Jessah writes a blog called Dreaming of Dimples. It is a blog I stumbled across and it is one that is so pure, so open, and she has let us into her world of building a family and the trials of infertility. Jessah's blog has been one that has inspired me and today I came across this post http://www.dreamingofdimples.com/2013/02/be-part-of-wish-tree.html
One of the things she shared in the blog that tugged on my heart was this
Below is the wish piece by Yoko Ono (1996):
Make a wish
Write it down on a piece of paper
Fold it and tie it around a branch of a Wish Tree
Ask your friends to do the same
Keep wishing
Until the branches are covered with wishes

What a beautiful thing to imagine...a wish tree. How often do we forget to dream, hope, wonder, and WISH. How do we let our wishes fade away? We don't concetrate on the wish...but blow it away just like the candles on our birthday cakes. I really felt a true connection with her post today so I posted.
My wish is to have a moment where I can just be in that moment and truly feel contentment.
Want to wish with me? Head on over to Jessah's Wishing Blog Post!


  1. Thank you so much for your sweet words, for following my blog and for reposting this. It is a beautiful thought isn't it. I can't wait to see this tree come to fruition and know that you are a part of it.

    1. Jessah it is an honor to share in your walk and I pray for you daily. I can't wait to see the wish tree come alive and to share the stories of all of us getting our wish!
