Saturday, October 29, 2011

Realizing My Limit

today i woke up with a breath of fresh air inside, new meds in my body, and hoping that i could get a lot done today. i did get up happy and feeling like the fog was a little lighter, but i pushed too hard and got worn out. i don't know my limit with the new body and the messed up meds aka anxiety haven. i have to figure out how to balance being me...being busy...being healthy...and managing this burst of chemical mess up that is in my brain. for some reason everything seems easy minus this anxiety. it is putting a kink in my plans and in a way that i don't want it to, but i don't have control over it...i just have control over how i deal with it. so body needs to relax and really rest. it hasn't in so long. nothing i do seems to relax me. what to do?

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