Thursday, March 24, 2011

Goals on the Horizon

I hit a major goal for me by hitting 250 lbs followed by being under 250 lbs. As I looked at the scale this week I realized that now I'm 245 lbs what is my next major goal? What am I now working towards? I thought I would take a minute to think about it and write down some obtainable goals.

1. My next goal weight that I am working towards is 235 lbs. - it is another 10 lb weight loss, but I know it is doable. working to what i dream of 225 llbs seems too far off, but 10 lbs I can handle that!
2. Working out 4 times a week. Right now I'm doing really well at 3 times a week, but I really want to hit 4 and 2 of the work outs I want to do strength training. This is a work in progress.
3. Make or find a log for food menus, supplements, and schedule that works for me. I thought my spark people may have been the answer, but it is not convenient like I want it to be and that is frustrating. I am in the market for a iphone but not till after august, so until I can get the apps I want I need to find a system that works for me.
4. Lower my cholesterol - after surgery my cholesterol spiked, so I have been on the hunt to lower the number. i've increased better foods, eating better, working out, and hopefully next month when that blood test comes in the number will have gone down.
5. Bringing strength training home to me - work on getting some gym equipment for the house like hand weights and an ab ball. i think this will help on those days I can't do a full strength training work out and want to stay in.
6. Learn how to manage my anxiety with a new body - my body is processing anxiety way differently so I need to relearn how to manage it especially with coming off meds. Need to get back to the basics....journaling here i come!

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