Saturday, January 15, 2011

a new kitty for a new me

if you know me pretty well you have probably seen or met my "kitty". She is a stuffed hello kitty from build a bear that I got back in 2007 from my dear friend mandy when I was moving to Nebraska. my kitty has seen me through some tough times such as break ups, living in a new state, and she is also my favorite anxiety buddy when i'm really anxious or having a rough bout with my anxiety. yes, i realize i'm 29 years old, but it helps my anxiety and its non medicinal both are win wins in my situation. anyways, kitty has been with me for awhile and she has seen some love. my dear sweet husband thought it would be a nice transition into my new life to have a new kitty so that the poor old one doesn't fall apart. yesterday, when we went out for our walk at the mall i got cute pjs for my kitty and he had the kitty already stuffed waiting for me at home. it was nice and very symbolical and sentimental moment. this really is a whole new world.

now if that is too ooey gooey i can't believe my friend is sleeping with a kitty moment - he also took me and bought be a new vera bradley purse which i am also very found of immensely.

yesterday was good overall for me. i walked for about 2 hours in the mall and didn't hurt too bad after i was done. i did take a half dose of pain meds on the way to bed to sleep and to help with this one sided pain. i was in awe walking through the mall. just seeing stores that one day i'll be able to stop and actually go into and be able to fit in. i was giggly at the prospect because it is something that really has only been in my dreams. justin just smiled at me, but i knew in his heart he knew what i meant.

yesterday i had my first odd feeling of i didn't know if i was hungry or thirsty with my new stomach. it is very hard to explain if you are a gastric patient but i really couldn't figure out which i was. if i drink i can't eat for 30 min and if i eat i can't drink for 30 min so i guessed! hubs wanted arby's so i settled for some au jus juice and it hit the spot followed by a vitamin water. after my walk around the mall i also had another bottle of vitamin water and realized what thirsty felt like versus hungry. its a process of relearning that i didn't realize i would have to do!

this morning i started on more pureed foods. for breakfast i had 1 egg scrambled with 1/2 piece of american cheese blended and 2 tsp of cottage cheese with 2 tsp of lit and fit yogurt and 1 squirt of strawberry jam. yum! it filled me up and it was nice to have something different than liquid in my mouth and on my tummy. i'm going to try some tuna for lunch blended real well and see how that goes.

something i've also learned is when i am in the stage of not eating real food (looking at march for that start date) i have to try different ways to get my protein in. i'm going to continue eating my portions and 3 meals but when i drink in between meals one of those drinks will either be a smoothie (1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the afternoon) or will be some type of protein supplement. i know it is important to get more protein than not and i'm glad i found a new website to help me out and go shopping on it had a great food journal that i'm going to switch to and and even better sale on proteins that taste good and are good for us! smiles its the little things.

this afternoon I am off to the viewing for my uncle that passed. i'm glad to see my family I am just hoping that no one runs up to hug me. i'm way to sore for that yet.

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