1. water bottle / sippy cup / cup with lid - you name i need it with me almost all the time. drink drink drink is my new "dorie swimming" motto
2. mr. ice tea maker - yes you read it i need an ice tea maker. why? because water gets boring and i can have all the sugar free decaf tea i want!
3. pill crusher / pill cutter - no more taking big ole pills and liquids don't carry as well so need one for my purse when i'm out i can take my meds
4. food card - i have to have my medical food card on me so i can guaranteed to order off the kid's menu or order a smaller portion when restaurants don't normally serve them (plus it helps to explain why i am just eating off my husbands plate)
5. cheat sheet - i've got a cheat sheet of "okayed" foods so if i'm out and need to eat/didn't eat before i left the house i'm armed with i know this is okay at this restaurant.....
6. support team! - i am so blessed to have so many friends be behind me on this and want to read about my journey. i am so thrilled i can share it with you even though most of you aren't near to me. your comments make me smile and make me remember that part of why i am doing this is because i want to be around longer for you all too! it is great motivation. thank you my cheer leading staff!
one of the items essential for me that is so sentimental is my hubby. wow, he is a great supporter! i couldn't ask for a better man to walk this journey with me. he is great at reading for sugars on nutritional boxes, getting me liquid tylenol, making sure i can get to everything so i don't have to bend. he has been there to help me in and out of the shower, wash my hair, and really be there for me. i know it can't be easy seeing your spouse go through such a life change, but he is so excited for all of this. i'm so glad he is supportive and is willing to go to all those doctor appts. to learn about my new little tummy.
i guess i'm just feeling thankful and hopeful today. it's a nice warm feeling while its cold outside.
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