Monday, July 8, 2013

Link Up : Why I love to run

Coffee & Macarons

I'm linking up with one of my fellow SPA sisters (Sweat Pink Ambassadors) about running. Head over to the link up by clicking on the chevron box above.

So why do I love to run?

I love to run because I CAN! 2 1/2 years ago I couldn't run, I could barely walk so to be able to run even a short distance is AWESOME.

I love to run to clear my head.

I love to run to run through a problem instead of running from a problem.

I love to run to DO IT!

I'm a beginner and can't run long distances just yet. I'm still working on making it to run a 5K but we all have to start somewhere. As a post WLS patient, post gastric bypass, I'm making my way learning the ins and outs of running because I CAN! I WILL! I WANT TO!

One day I'm going to run across the finish line and that day I will grin from ear to ear....I can't wait.



  1. Thanks so much for linking up! I LOVE your reason! I'm so glad you're running, and I love your attitude. You will have such a great experience when you run your first race. So keep at it! :)

  2. SO excited to hear that you're running and beginning your first 5K!! I just started running last year. Keep at it! The feeling of accomplishment you'll get from your first 5K will be SO worth the hard work! It sounds like you're doing great!

  3. thanks ladies...i'm excited to be doing this too. its a total dream of mine to even walk/jog a 5K - I want to finish that line and get a medal!
