Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday Confession #4 of 2013

Sunday confession time with Miss Alyx ---> check our her blog here

1. I'm an emotional wreck. It has been a very hard week and half and though I don't want to go into details it is impacting me in every part of my life and I'm feeling pretty dang emotionally spent.

2. I totally blanked on confessions last week! 

3. I've had some form of starbucks drink every day this week and still slept like a baby. I'm not doing too well functioning during the day with the increase in meds to calm my emotional center and requiring high amounts of caffeine. 

4. I love cheese. I'm allergic to mold. Cheese = mold. Yep, I had an allergic reaction yesterday.


  1. I would probably cry if I was allergic to cheese. That is a tragedy.

  2. Stupid phone. Accidentally posted comment before I was done. Anyway. I hope this week is better for you!

  3. I would probably cry if I was allergic to cheese. That is a tragedy.

  4. Ugh, i'm so sorry you're emotionally spent! I hope you can spend some time this week recharging.
