Thursday, January 17, 2013

Low Carb Life Freak Out = Food Jail

I had a complete freak out about being a low carb foodie last night. I seriously melted down. I've been doing really great on my lifestyle change to only complex carbs with a protein, but there is a sense that I'm just frustrated because I can't have what I want or just go out and eat. I have to be concious of what I put in my mouth because if I don't I get really sick. I feel like I'm back to being a baby post op measuring, thinking, researching, and feeling crazy over carb this or carb that....but I know that simple carbs make me violently ill and cause major sugar drops and I can't have them just like I can't have soda or drink from a straw. Same rule. New rule for the carbs and now getting it through my head is something of a challenge.

My tantrum became frustration out of boredom of meat and a veggie...just fajitas no tortillas or chicken salad no crackers! I want to crunch...but I'm over salad. I need my protein, but really another shake. Maybe I felt sorry for myself. Maybe I felt like I was trapped, but when I pre-planned to take a protein shake to a meeting yesterday at first I felt totally empowered. I planned ahead. I was drinking my healthy snack for me, but then...I realized I'm not going to partake in those chips anyway. I can't have those crackers unless I'm crashing and suddenly I felt like I was trapped in a carbless box feeling like there was no hope.

Hubs graciously took me out to dinner for something different in flavor, texture, and taste. He reminded me that I can still eat on this diet, but I can't let it win. So I ate my flavorful chicken breast and was happy with a mini tsp of mashed potatoes and broccoli. I was just fine that I tasted and chewed something different. I realized that my pre-planning is a strength and it is easy for me to have go to meals and snacks even foods, but I am still going to have to cook and come up with new ways. Just like I dug in to figure out how to convert sweets to be able to eat in moderation I am going to have to dig in with furvor to figure out how to eat on this diet, how to bake with new flours, how to compensate and find products that meet my lifestyle. I can do this. I need to do this.

I won't be trapped with fish, chicken, steak, and pork with a veggie. I can have so many things and there are great products out there to assist me - I just have to find them and use them. I really miss baking and I know I can bake, but have been nervous to do until now. I ordered atkins baking mix, I'm arming myself with products that will allow me to have protein and eat a muffin! Because I live a full life and should not be in food jail. I've found protein to make my life easier, but now I need to find those items to make my life fuller...and be adventurous outside of shakes, yogurt, cheese, and chicken salad. Life is so much more!

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