Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Our "first" Christmas

Technically this is our 4th Christmas as husband and wife, but it is the truly the first real Christmas that feels like our holiday. Let's do a little recap of the Christmas of holidays is the past that allows you to appreciate the present!

2009 Our 1st Christmas as the Bettis' - I was on duty, we were in TN, and instead of waking up and snuggling making our first Christmas extra special - my husband and I worked the 24 hour desk in the residence hall - romantic right? Not. Then off to 17 hours to KS.

2010 - Our 2nd Christmas as the Bettis' - I worked and was on duty because I was preparing for my WLS, no tree, no trimmings, nothing. Christmas was not alive in our household. It was dreary and sad.

2011 - Our 3rd Christmas as the Bettis' - We moved from TN to TX and spend the holiday on the road. Not an elaborate holiday, no tree, not trimmings, spent the holiday in KS. Didn't feel like Christmas.

2012 - Our 4th Christmas as the Bettis' - this one just felt right - even though nothing worked out to be picture perfect like I wanted, but there was a tree, trimming, a mantel, decorations, presents, snuggling, movies, and snow!!!! This was our real first holiday. There wasn't work, there wasn't sad feelings, and there was a rule of no traveling. It was fabulous! We had a real holiday and one that is super super special and that I won't ever forget.

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