Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Paperwork Ahoy!

So officially all of the special paperwork has finally been received at Vandy and now i can be medically cleared. It seems to be taking forever to get this done, but I am hoping that this really is it and the medical clearing can begin and get me into the Cigna pool. Fingers crossed!

I was reading over the last few weeks of post and realize what an emotional ride I have been on. There have been moments of frustration and moments of joy and excitement. This journey has not been an easy one to make it through but over the last 6 months I feel good that I have been able to look at my fears, take on challenges, and make it through the end of a chapter. many may say that I am not at the end of chapter, but I feel as though I've been through a few. There is the deciding chapter, the preparation chapter, and now I'm awaiting the surgery chapter. All in the goal to be a healthier me and a better me for my family and friends and most importantly myself.

I don't think I've ever been this selfish for myself for this long amount of time. I really have dedicated my time to focusing on my health and doing the best I can. It is a nice feelingto love on yourself even when you might not want to, but you do it for you anyway. I don't feel pampered since needles, doctors appointments, and surgery do not sound like being pampered at all, but I feel pampered nonetheless as I have had to really reach inside me to find strength, to find courage, to find what parts of myself can I leave behind as I enter this new life that will lead me to onederland.

For those who do not know what onderland is it is a term used when you are finally in the 100 lbs aka 199 and below. It will be a magnificent day!

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