Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Today is sponsored by the Letter "F"

Today's blog is all about things that begin with the letter "F" are you ready? 1) Fit bit. This has been my first full week with my fit bit and I love it. I did leave it at home today (as I rearranged my bedroom and didn't put it in the same spot - not have I synced it in 2 days) but overall fit bit = love. Here is a pic below of my first week and the productivity I have had. Remeber - I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO EXERCISE so this is just movement and walking. I'm amazed. I'm amazed at how much I walked, but I'm also made how many calories I just burned! WOAH total new perspective :-)

2) Filling my closet. I think I've done it - I have an adult wardrobe which I'm proud of! It includes dresses, blouses, nice pants, heels, cute shoes, properly fitted undergarments, jewlery, accessories, and a variety of color and print. It is not all black! So so excited about this. I can check this off my 31 things to do in my 31st Year . # 23 has officially been accomplished from head to toe! Check!

3) Food shopping was an adventure this week, since my usual Aldi's was closed on Labor Day I headed off to Trader Joe's and Central Market and got some yummy things for eating well. I loaded up on blueberries, black berries, and raspberries (all 1 calorie per berry) to accompany my greek yogurt in the morning. I also found some great cheap steals on bananas, frozen pepper medely for stuffed pepper crock pot, yummy israeli couscous, and some new protein bars to add into the diet to keep this sugar up!

4) Furniture - well we did it we almost have grown up furniture. We purchased our mattress at Sam's this weekend to be delivered in T - 3 days and I couldn't be happier - now hubs please put together those book shelfs so I can get my dining room table put together in my dining room! Please?!?!?!?!?!?

5) Fanz - I am so excited I might burst - I got tickets to the first Horned Frog Game in our new stadium and the first football Big 12 game for my Frogs. Saturday night hubs and I will be rocking our purple, supporting our Frogs as they play someone I've never heard of -translation = GOOD for us!

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