Monday, April 30, 2012

5K Training - Week 1 In Review

I am proud to report I finished Week 1 of 5 K Training with my super cute husband. I never realized how important it would be to have a work out partner, but he has helped push me to walk and has been looking forward to it with me! It has been a nice change and it gives us some intentional time together.

Week 1 of 5K Walking Training
 Week 1 was not hard but it wasn't easy. I have to remember that even though I've lost a ton and move more regularly, I'm still out of shape. I'm proud to say that I accomplished it, but I've noticed my body feeling it. Here is how my first week went:

Green lines = 15 min walk complete
R = Rest day
A = Active day

I'm starting off slower than most because I have a lot to catch up on. Ideally the 5K walking cycle only wants you to move 5 times in a week and that is what I did. I focused on 3 set 15 min walking sections, walked 1.5 miles the first day out (being active) and then did an active day where I was moving, walking, and staying active rather than just walking in a circle. I need to stay moving rather than not doing it. This might be unconventional, but it worked for me and I enjoyed the change (plus it allowed me some girly time while the super cute husband was off playing with the boys!)

Eating this week was all over. I wish I could report that I was the ideal patient but I wasn't. I'm craving sweets an I'm snacking both of which I'm planning on taming. I'm armed with good fruits, yogurts, and healthy protein. I'm going to try better this week and I plan on putting my "Temptation Jar" on my desk to with encouraging notes in to "feed me" when I want to eat bad things! Beside the "Temptation Jar" will be a "Jar of Joy" to put a note in why I wanted to eat something, but I didn't! It is like getting a gold star for weight loss :-)

Back to my fav Vitamin D

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the 5K training! You will so kick some butt :)
